Software SEO Search Engine Checker

SEO Tools kali ini akan membagikan sebuah software untuk mengecek ranking serp blog anda di engine search seperti +Google  +Yahoo! dan lain sebagainya, Software SEO Search Engine Checker ini sangat mudah digunakan, untuk mengecek ranking serp anda dalam software ini tidak ada syarat untuk mengetik captcha, jadi sangat praktis dan otomatis sekali. mari langsung kita lihat fitur dan penampakannya di bawah ini

  • Easy to use
  • Scraper can have footprint for all urls you are searching
  • Proxy support
  • Remove duplicate scraped sites
  • PageRank checker and ability to sort urls by PageRank
New in this version:
  • V0.6.6 Modifications to avoid errors in the upcoming site update.
  • For changes in the previous versions
  • Copy or import list of keywords
  • Select search engine to use
  • Set custom footprint if you want
  • Set proxies through the proxies tab (Strongly suggested to avoid IP bans)
  • Click “Start Scraping” (button changes to “Stop Scraping” which can be used to stop the scraper)
  • Click the “Remove Duplicates” button to remove scraper results that occured more than once
  • When the scraper is finished the nutton “Stop Scraping” will be reverter back to “Start Scraping” then you can copy the scraped urls or click save to save them to a text file
PR checker:
  • Copy or import list of websites you want to check their pagerank
  • Set proxies through the proxies tab (Strongly suggested to avoid IP bans. Not working proxies will results in a -1 PR of the site)
  • Set the minimum and maximum waiting between PageRank requests (this is a random waiting time to emulate human behavior)
  • Click Start PR check (The PR checker can be stopped by clicking the Stop PR check button
  • Sites can be sorted by URL or PR (both ascendind and descending order) by clicking on either ther URL or PR header
  • The list of the websites with their pagerank can be saved as a CSV or a text file by clicking Save list


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